Architectural design of commercial, industrial, public, residential, and tertiary, buildings in all phases: feasibility study, schematic design, design development, construction drawings, site management. Interior design: residential, commercial, tertiary, custom design fittings for exhibitions. Planning at the urban scale and landscape architecture: urban analysis, urban design and planning of public spaces. Conservative restoration and preservation. massambiente Stems from the desire to combine the experience gained from MASStudio in architectural upgrading of brownfield sites, a multidisciplinary approach capable of addressing the process at every stage, from demolition to new construction. Characterization and reclamation of contaminated sites, geological-geotechnical inspections, land use planning. Consulting in all areas that see the involvement of different environmental matrices: air, water and soil.
Stems from teaching experiences in the academic realm of MASStudio members. Research and professional practice are considered two essential and mutually reinforcing elements for urban design and architectural projects. Research in the fields of urban design, architectural works, technological details, and sustainable architecture. Teaching in urban planning and architectural design studio courses at Politecnico di Milano, organization and participation as speaker/tutor in international seminars and workshops, exhibition curating and papers.
Project management for the design of large, high quality mixed use complexes (commercial, residential and tertiary). massimmagine massluce |